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Dictionary Suite
shot clock in basketball, a clock that indicates the amount of time within which a team must attempt to score a basket.
slam dunk in basketball, a forceful or dramatic dunk shot.
slam-dunk in basketball, to dunk (the ball) forcefully or dramatically.
swingman in basketball, a player who can skillfully play two different positions such as both forward and guard.
technical foul in certain team sports, esp. basketball, a foul called on a participant for misconduct occurring outside active play. (Cf. personal foul.)
three-point play in basketball, a play in which a player is fouled while making a two-point basket and then scores another point on the subsequent free throw.
unassisted designating a play in baseball, a score in basketball, or the like made by one player. [1/2 definitions]
weakside in basketball, the side of the court with fewer players. [1/2 definitions]
WNBA abbreviation of "Women's National Basketball Association," a U.S. sports league formed in 1996 that organizes and regulates the highest level of women's professional basketball competition.
Women's National Basketball Association a U.S. sports league formed in 1996 that organizes and regulates the highest level of women's professional basketball competition. (abbr.: WNBA)