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family a group made up of a parent or parents and their children. [1/5 definitions]
family man a man who is devoted to his wife and children.
family planning a program designed to limit the size of a household by properly spacing or preventing the birth of children.
ferule a rod, flat stick, or cane used for punishing children. [1/2 definitions]
filial denoting the relation of a child or children to a parent. [1/2 definitions]
footsie (informal) foot (used by or in speaking to children). [1/2 definitions]
fry2 (informal) youths or children; small fry. [1/3 definitions]
generation the period of time between the birth of parents and the birth of their children. [1/3 definitions]
go-cart a small wagon for children to ride in, drive, or push.
goody used esp. by children to express pleasure or delight. [1/2 definitions]
governess a woman hired to care for and teach the child or children of a family.
grade a rank of students in a school based on the age of children, or all the students in a school who are in that rank. [1/2 definitions]
green-stick fracture a type of fracture to which children are esp. vulnerable, in which a long bone breaks only partway through.
growing pains pain in the joints and limbs of children, often attributed by laymen to rapid growth. [1/2 definitions]
growth plate the area of growth at each end of the long bones of children and adolescents, also known as the epiphyseal plate or physis.
Halloween a holiday celebrated on October 31. On Halloween, children wear special clothes and go from house to house asking for candy or other treats.
hand down to give to one's children or from one generation to another.
hide-and-seek a game, usu. played by children, in which all hide except one, who tries to find the others.
housemother a woman whose occupation is supervising a residence for children or students, esp. a dormitory, fraternity, or sorority.
hydrocephalus a condition, esp. in children, in which an abnormal amount of serum accumulates in the brain's ventricles, causing the skull to enlarge and the brain to compress.
impetigo an infectious skin disease, esp. among children, marked by pustules that erupt and form thick crusts, esp. on the face.