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let out to emit (a sound or something that makes a sound). [1/3 definitions]
luminesce to emit light at a fairly cold temperature; be or become luminescent.
peep2 to emit a weak, shrill, short cry. [1/4 definitions]
ping to emit a short, sharp, high-pitched sound, as of metal striking metal. [1/2 definitions]
pour to produce or emit continuously or copiously as if in a torrent or flood. [1/6 definitions]
puff to emit in short, strong gusts or blasts. [1/16 definitions]
pulsar any of various astronomical objects, probably rapidly rotating neutron stars, that emit short, repeating pulses of radio waves.
put out to emit or expend. [1/11 definitions]
quasar any of numerous astronomical objects that emit powerful radio waves and have red shifts associated with great distance from earth; quasi-stellar radio source.
radiate to emit. [1/8 definitions]
reek to emit or be permeated by a strong, disagreeable odor (often fol. by "of"). [1/3 definitions]
reemit combined form of emit.
rumble to make or emit a low, heavy, continuous sound, as of distant thunder. [2/8 definitions]
send to emit or discharge (heat, odor, light, or the like) (usu. fol. by" forth," "off," or "out"). [1/7 definitions]
send out to cause to emit (substances or waves of light or heat) into or through the air. [2/7 definitions]
Seyfert galaxy any of numerous spiral galaxies that have a small bright nucleus and emit light and radio waves of variable intensity.
shoot to emit (rays of light or the like). [1/19 definitions]
shriek to utter or emit a shriek. [2/4 definitions]
sound1 to cause to emit or send forth sound. [1/11 definitions]
sparkly highly reflective of light and appearing to emit flashes similar to sparks.
spit1 to eject or emit as though by spitting. [1/7 definitions]