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battering ram a heavy wooden beam used by warriors in former times to break through doors, walls, gates, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
battle-ax a wide-bladed, heavy ax used in former times as a weapon.
beam a long, heavy timber or piece of metal or stone used as a major support in a building. [1/8 definitions]
beast of burden an animal such as a donkey or ox used esp. for heavy work or carrying loads.
belt a continuous band of heavy, flexible material used to drive a machine or carry materials. [1/11 definitions]
bengaline a heavy, corded fabric with crosswise ribs of coarse silk, wool, or synthetics, woven with wool or cotton.
blackjack a short club with a leather cover, heavy head, and flexible handle, used as a weapon. [1/6 definitions]
blacksnake a long, heavy, tapering whip of braided rawhide or leather with a snapper at the tip. [1/2 definitions]
blizzard a heavy and widespread snowstorm of lengthy duration. [1/2 definitions]
block and tackle a rigging of pulley blocks and rope or cables used to provide leverage for hauling or lifting heavy loads.
blockhouse a fortified building with openings for cannons and rifles to fire through, formerly built of heavy wooden timbers. [1/3 definitions]
bob2 a small heavy object that hangs, as at the end of a plumb line. [1/5 definitions]
bola a throwing weapon with heavy balls attached to the ends of a rope, used by South American herdsmen to entangle the legs of cattle and game.
boldface a typeface with heavy, thick lines, often used for emphasis. [1/2 definitions]
boom2 a heavy beam on a derrick, used to extend and support cargo or other weight. [1/5 definitions]
bower2 a heavy anchor, situated at the bow of a ship.
bowling a game in which a heavy ball is rolled along a wooden alley toward wooden pins that are standing at the far end. [1/2 definitions]
brain to strike a heavy blow on the head of. [1/5 definitions]
breaker1 a heavy ocean wave that breaks into foam on the shore or at sea. [1/4 definitions]
Bristol board a fine-grained, heavy pasteboard used by artists, printers, and the like.
bulldozer a tractorlike piece of heavy equipment that pushes or lifts soil or debris with a vertical blade attached to the front.