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lip-read to understand (what a person is saying) by looking at his or her lips. [1/2 definitions]
not to mention and in addition (used to mention an additional thing that is equal to, greater, or more obvious than the first thing mentioned, despite saying that one need not mention it. This additional thing may have just been remembered by the speaker or was previously felt unnecessary to say).
phrase a brief and familiar saying or expression. [1/11 definitions]
plain-spoken saying exactly what one believes; frank; blunt.
proverb a short saying in popular use that expresses a common truth or wisdom. [2 definitions]
sampler a piece of cloth embroidered with a design or saying, often as a display of skill in needlework. [1/3 definitions]
saw3 a common proverb or saying; maxim.
so used to bring people's attention back to what one was saying or to some important point or purpose. [1/15 definitions]
sound out to make an effort to read and pronounce a word by saying the sound of each of its letters or its letter combinations.
talk into to convince (someone) to do something by saying positive things about it.
trick or treat a tradition practiced by children at Halloween, consisting of calling on neighbors while dressed in a costume and saying the words "trick or treat!" in order to receive a treat such as candy. [1/2 definitions]
trick-or-treat to engage in the Halloween tradition of visiting neighbors while wearing a costume and requesting candy or other treats by saying the words "trick or treat!"
tune in (informal) to attend to what someone is saying, thinking, or feeling. [1/2 definitions]
valediction the act of saying farewell. [1/3 definitions]
valedictory on or pertaining to an occasion of saying farewell. [1/2 definitions]
witticism a witty remark, joke, insult, or saying.