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jack-in-the-pulpit a North American wildflower having a single vertical spike with a green and purple sheath that forms a hood over its top.
Jack Jefferies U.S. three-time world champion formation skydiver (b.1966).
jackknife a large pocketknife whose blade can be folded into the handle. [2 definitions]
jacklight a light used as a lure in hunting or fishing at night. [2 definitions]
jack mackerel a mackerellike food fish of the jack family that is found in Pacific coastal waters.
jack-of-all-trades someone skilled at a wide variety of jobs, esp. those requiring adept use of the hands.
jack-o'-lantern a traditional Halloween lamp made from a pumpkin by removing the pulp, carving a face through the shell, and placing a candle in the bottom.
jack pine an evergreen tree of Canada and the northern United States, having short twisted needles in pairs, woody cones, and soft wood used for paper.
jackpot stakes that accumulate until they are won, esp. in poker. [2 definitions]
jack rabbit any of several large hares found in the western United States, characterized by long ears and very long, strong hind legs.
jackscrew a jack in which the lifting surface is threaded on and operated by a vertical screw.
jacksnipe a small short-billed snipe of Europe and Asia. [2 definitions]
Jackson the capital of Mississippi.
jackstay a rope or rod along a ship's yard, gaff, or boom to which one edge of a sail is fastened. [3 definitions]
jackstone any of the small stones or metal pieces used in playing jacks.
jackstraws (used with a sing. verb) a game in which straws or thin strips are tossed into a heap and each player picks up as many as possible without moving the rest.
jack-tar a sailor.
jack up to lift (a car or other vehicle) using or as if using a jack . [2 definitions]
Jacob according to the Old Testament, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham from whose sons the twelve tribes of Israel descended; Israel.
Jacobean of or pertaining to James I of England or the time of his reign, from 1603 to 1625.