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monthly relating to a month. [5 definitions]
Montpelier the capital of Vermont.
Montrachet a white wine from the Burgundy area of France.
monument something made or erected in commemoration of an event, achievement, or person. [3 definitions]
monumental massive, imposing, or extremely conspicuous. [3 definitions]
monumentalize to establish a lasting record of; commemorate or memorialize, as by building a monument.
-mony state, condition, or result.
moo to utter the long, low sound made by a cow; low. [2 definitions]
mooch (slang) to get by begging, or by borrowing without intending to repay or return. [5 definitions]
mood1 a temporary mental or emotional state. [3 definitions]
mood2 in grammar, a kind of verb inflection that indicates the way in which the speaker intends an utterance to be understood, whether as a wish or supposition, a demand, or a fact; mode.
mood-altering of or related to the ability to change one's emotional state.
moody having moods that vary often or unpredictably. [3 definitions]
moo goo gai pan a Chinese dish of cut pieces of chicken, mushrooms, various vegetables, and spices.
moola (slang) money.
moon the earth's natural satellite, revolving completely around the earth from east to west in about twenty-eight days and accompanying the earth in its orbit around the sun. [5 definitions]
moonbeam a ray of light reflected from the surface of the moon.
moon-faced having a very round face.
moonfish either of two species of coastal fishes of North and South America that have very compact silvery bodies.
moonflower a kind of morning glory found in tropical America, bearing fragrant large flowers that open at night.
Moonie (informal) a follower of the Korean evangelist Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church in the United States.