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Seneca a member of a tribe of North American Indians living in western New York and belonging to the Six Nations. [2 definitions]
Seneca Falls a village and township located in central New York State, where the first U.S. women's rights convention was held (1848), now home to the Women's Rights National Historical Park and the National Women's Hall of Fame.
Senegal a West African country on the Atlantic, between Mauritania and Guinea.
senescent becoming aged; in or nearing old age.
seneschal a steward in the household of a medieval prince or noble.
senile showing certain characteristics of old age, esp. a deterioration of mental faculties or emotional control.
senior elder, esp. of two relatives having the same name (often used in abbreviation). [7 definitions]
senior citizen an elderly person, esp. one who is past the usual retirement age of sixty-five.
senior high school a secondary school comprising grades ten, eleven, and twelve, and sometimes grade nine; high school.
seniority the state of being senior. [2 definitions]
seniti the smaller monetary unit of Tonga. (Cf. pa'anga.)
senna any of various tropical plants whose dried leaves are used to produce a laxative effect. [2 definitions]
seņor (Spanish) a title equivalent to "Mr." or "Sir". [2 definitions]
seņora (Spanish) a title equivalent to "Mrs." or "Madam". [2 definitions]
seņorita (Spanish) a title equivalent to "Miss". [2 definitions]
sensation a perception by means of one of the sense organs. [5 definitions]
sensational producing or intended to produce intense excitement or interest, esp. by lurid or exaggerated elements. [3 definitions]
sensationalism language or subject matter intended to arouse amazement, curiosity, or morbid fascination. [2 definitions]
sense any of five ways to perceive, namely touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. [12 definitions]
senseless without sensation; unconscious. [3 definitions]
sense organ a specialized organ or structure of the body, such as an eye or taste bud, that receives stimuli and transmits them to the brain; receptor.