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multifunction combined form of function.
multifunctional combined form of functional.
multigrade combined form of grade.
multigrain of bread, made with a variety of different grains.
multigrid combined form of grid.
multigroup combined form of group.
multihandicapped combined form of handicapped.
multiheaded combined form of headed.
multihospital combined form of hospital.
multi-industry combined form of industry.
multi-institutional combined form of institutional.
multilane having more than one lane of traffic going in each direction, as a highway.
multilateral many-sided. [2 definitions]
multilayered having or involving several layers or levels.
multilevel having several levels.
multileveled combined form of leveled.
multilingual of, including, or presented in several languages. [2 definitions]
multilobed combined form of lobed.
multimanned combined form of manned.
multimedia (used with a sing. verb) the combined use of several performance media at the same time. [3 definitions]
multimegaton combined form of megaton.