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-al1 characterized by; of or pertaining to.
-al2 act; action; process.
-al3 an aldehyde, or a barbiturate.
-ial a variant of -al1.
-ile of, capable of, or relating to. [2 definitions]
-ol1 an alcohol, phenol, or other chemical compound containing hydroxyl.
-ol2 variant of -ole.
-ole any of certain chemical compounds containing a five-member, usu. heterocyclic ring. [2 definitions]
-ule small.
à la in the manner or style of.
ail to distress or cause illness or discomfort to. [2 definitions]
Al symbol of the chemical element aluminum.
AL abbreviation of "Alabama," a southeastern U.S. state located between Georgia and Mississippi.
al- to.
ala a wing or winglike part or structure on a living organism.
ale a drink, made by fermenting malt, that is heavier and more bitter than beer.
all the total amount, extent, or number; every one. [12 definitions]
all- completely or exclusively. [4 definitions]
allo- other; different; variation.
ally to unite or connect in a formal alliance (usu. fol. by "to" or "with"). [5 definitions]