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-phore one that bears or produces.
be to remain in a state of existence; have reality; exist. [10 definitions]
chore a routine task, esp. around the house or yard. [2 definitions]
shore1 the land beside an ocean, sea, lake, or river. [2 definitions]
shore2 a usu. angled post or beam that supports something such as a building or a ship in port. [2 definitions]
ware (usu. pl.) manufactured products or other articles of commerce, including salable skills, knowledge, or the like; goods. [2 definitions]
we're contracted form of "we are."
wear to have or carry on one's person as a covering or ornament. [15 definitions]
were 2nd person sing. past tense and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person pl. past tense of be.
where at, in, or to what location. [11 definitions]
who're contracted form of "who are."
whole comprising the entire extent or amount. [8 definitions]
whore one who engages in frequent sexual intercourse for money; prostitute. [4 definitions]
whorl a circular arrangement, as of leaves or petals around a center, or a coiled shape. [4 definitions]
whose the possessive form of who; of or belonging to which person or persons. [2 definitions]
why're (informal) contracted form of "why are."
wire a rod or strand of usu. flexible metal. [14 definitions]
wore past tense of wear.