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boil down to

part of speech: phrase
definition 1: of a thing, to have (something) as its central cause, fundamental essence, or core significance.
We talk about these different reasons for the problem, but everything really boils down to greed.Sometimes I think my whole life boils down to failure.He wants something from me. That's what all these nice things he's doing for me now boil down to.
similar words:
come down to
definition 2: to become (something) in the end, after all other things fall away.
All his life's possessions boiled down to just these few pieces of furniture.This "big" meeting boiled down to just a quick chat among the three of us.
definition 3: to depend on (a particular factor) more than anything else.
For him to recover fully, it all boils down to how well you can care for him at home.
similar words:
come down to