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Multi-word Results
clean and jerk a weightlifting movement in which the barbell is lifted from the floor and, in one continuous movement, raised over the head with the arms fully extended upward.
clean bill of health (informal) an affirmation of satisfactory condition, qualification, or the like.
clean house to force out all undesired people or things.
clean out (informal) to rid (someone) of money. [2 definitions]
clean room an enclosed space kept as free as possible of any contaminants such as dust or germs, as for the production of highly sensitive precision parts.
clean slate an honorable record. [2 definitions]
clean up to wash or clean (something). [4 definitions]
clean up one's act (informal) to improve one's performance or behavior.
clean-cut having a neat, regular, well-defined shape or outline. [2 definitions]
clean-handed free of responsibility or guilt; blameless.
clean-shaven hairless or without facial hair, as from recent shaving.
come clean (informal) to admit the truth.
dry-clean to clean (garments, drapes, or the like) using chemicals other than water.
pipe cleaner a short length of wire, twisted to secure small tufts of yarn along its length, that is used to clean tobacco residue from the stems of pipes.
to make a clean breast of to confess or divulge.
vacuum cleaner an electrical appliance that cleans floors, carpets, and the like by suction; vacuum sweeper.