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Bavarian cream a dessert composed of gelatin, whipped cream, eggs, and fruit flavoring and similar to a soufflé.
Boston cream pie a two-layer cake with a custard filling and chocolate icing.
cold cream a semisolid cosmetic emulsion applied to moisturize, smooth, or cleanse the skin.
cream cheese a rich, soft, smooth white cheese made of milk and sometimes cream, and not ripened.
cream of tartar a white powdery substance used in baking powder and food preparations, and in tinning metal; potassium bitartrate.
cream of the crop the best one.
cream puff a light pastry shell with a whipped cream or custard filling.
cream sauce a white sauce of flour, butter, and milk or cream cooked together.
cream soda a soft drink, lightly colored, of vanilla flavor.
ice cream a rich, sweet, frozen food made by churning cream and milk products to a smooth consistency while freezing, and often flavored.
sour cream a thick cream that has been soured by lactic acid, used as an ingredient in soups, salads, and various other dishes.
whipped cream a rich sweet cream, made stiff by beating and used as a topping or filling for desserts.
whipping cream a sweet cream that contains a high percentage of butterfat and can be made stiff by whipping.