cauliflower ear |
an ear that is permanently misshapen as a result of repeated blows or injuries, as from boxing. |
dog-ear |
a bent or folded corner of a page in a book. [2 definitions] |
ear shell |
the ear-shaped shell of the abalone. |
ear trumpet |
a horn-shaped tube formerly used as a hearing aid by those with impaired hearing. |
flea in (one's) ear |
a broad hint or annoying reminder. |
have one's ear to the ground |
to pay attention to or be aware of upcoming ideas and events. |
in one ear and out the other |
heard, but with little or no notice paid. |
inner ear |
the part of the ear inside the skull, which includes the vestibule, the cochlea, and the semicircular canals, and plays a role in hearing and in maintaining balance. |
middle ear |
the central part of the ear, consisting of the eardrum or tympanic membrane and a cavity containing three small bones. |
outer ear |
the part of the ear that is visible outside of the head and which includes the auricle and the canal leading to the eardrum. |
play by ear |
to play (a piece of music) just from the memory of the sound of it and not from reading the musical notation. [2 definitions] |
play it by ear |
to act without planning in advance; improvise. |
tin ear |
(informal) the inability to distinguish tones in music. |