hot air |
(informal) empty or exaggerated speech or writing. |
hot cake |
a pancake. |
hot cell |
an enclosure designed to house radioactive materials in a safe manner so they can be worked on or tested by remote control. |
hot chocolate |
a beverage made of hot milk, sugar, and cocoa powder; cocoa. |
hot cross bun |
a bunlike pastry marked with a cross of frosting, often associated with Lent. |
hot dog |
a hot, cooked frankfurter or wiener usu. eaten in a soft bun. [3 definitions] |
hot flash |
a feeling of heat flooding over the body, esp. experienced by women during menopause. |
hot line |
a direct communication system set up for use in times of emergency or crisis, esp. between heads of government. [2 definitions] |
hot pepper |
any of numerous peppers having sharp, pungent flesh ranging from mild to very hot. [2 definitions] |
hot plate |
a small, usu. electric, portable appliance for cooking or heating food. |
hot potato |
(informal) a problem or issue that is troublesome or esp. difficult to handle. |
hot rod |
(informal) an automobile, often old, that has been radically modified, usu. for greater speed. |
hot seat |
(informal) a trying circumstance or situation that causes one extreme discomfort, embarrassment, criticism, or the like. |
hot spot |
(informal) a region of social or political unrest, potential violence, or the like. [4 definitions] |
hot spring |
a natural, usu. mineral spring having water warmer than body temperature. |
hot tub |
a large round tub, usu. of wood and often outdoors, used recreationally, as by several persons soaking together in hot water. |
hot under the collar |
(informal) very angry or upset. |
hot war |
actual military combat; open warfare. (Cf. cold war.) |
hot water |
(informal) a troublesome situation; dangerous circumstance; difficulty; predicament (usu. prec. by "in," "into" or the like). |
hot water bottle |
a soft container made of rubber that you fill with hot water. It is used to put heat on a sore or cold part of your body. |