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lifelong continuing throughout the whole of one's life.
likely probable; quite possible. [4 definitions]
linage the number of lines of print in an article, advertisement, or the like. [2 definitions]
Lincoln the capital of Nebraska. [2 definitions]
lineage1 descent from or the descendants of a common or particular ancestor or ancestry. [2 definitions]
lineage2 variant of linage.
livelong whole; entire; complete.
loneliness the feeling of sadness that may be felt when being without the company or caring support of other people or when feeling disconnected from those around one.
lonely sad because of being without companionship; lonesome. [4 definitions]
long2 to yearn or desire (often fol. by "for").
long-range involving or relating to a period of time relatively far in the future. [2 definitions]
longing a strong and persistent desire, esp. for something not easily attained.
lunge an abrupt thrusting or leaping motion toward something. [3 definitions]
mangle1 to damage severely or mutilate by cutting, crushing, or tearing apart. [2 definitions]
mangle2 a machine that presses cloth between heated rollers, used chiefly in commercial laundries for ironing linens. [2 definitions]
negligee a woman's dressing gown or robe, usu. long, full, and of a delicate, often translucent, fabric. [2 definitions]
nickel a chemical element that has twenty-eight protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a dense, hard, but malleable silver-white solid metal, used in alloys such as stainless steel and as a catalyst for various chemical reactions. (symbol: Ni). [4 definitions]
niggle to give too much attention to petty details and trivialities. [2 definitions]
niggling of little importance; petty. [2 definitions]
pinnacle the highest point or part of anything; apex; summit. [5 definitions]