alternative medicine |
any medical treatment or therapy, such as homeopathy and acupuncture, that is considered nontraditional and is generally not taught in conventional medical schools. |
folk medicine |
the treatment of illness by people without formal medical training, based on common sense, tradition, or superstition, and often using herbs and other natural remedies. |
forensic medicine |
the application of expert medical knowledge to questions of law. |
herbal medicine |
the use of herbs and plant extracts to treat illness or disease. |
internal medicine |
a specialized medical practice that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of disease, esp. of internal organs and tissues. |
medicine ball |
a large, heavy leather ball that is thrown back and forth in physical conditioning and exercise. |
medicine dance |
a ritual dance performed by some North American Indian peoples to drive out disease, bring rain, invoke supernatural aid, or the like. |
medicine man |
a healer, shaman, and spiritual leader, esp. among North American Indians. |
medicine show |
a usu. small group of traveling salespeople who put on entertaining shows to attract customers for the patent medicines and other cures offered for sale. |
patent medicine |
a medical preparation that is protected by a trademark and that may be purchased without a prescription. |
plant medicine |
a traditional practice in which herbs and plant extracts are used to treat disease; herbal medicine. [3 definitions] |
socialized medicine |
any of various government-subsidized programs that provide medical care at little or no cost to the patient. |