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banana oil a clear synthetic liquid with a bananalike odor, used as a flavoring or paint solvent, and in the making of lacquers; amyl acetate.
burn the midnight oil to stay awake very late for work or study.
castor oil a colorless or yellowish oil derived from castor beans and used as a lubricant and cathartic.
castor-oil plant a large tropical plant, native to Africa and Asia, from whose seeds castor oil is extracted.
coal oil any fuel oil produced by distillation of bituminous coal.
coconut oil a white oil obtained from dried coconut meat, used in cooking and in the manufacture of soaps, cosmetics, candles, and the like.
cod-liver oil a pale yellow oil obtained from the liver of cod and related fish, often taken as a source of vitamins A and D.
crude oil petroleum that comes directly from under the ground and has not been refined.
essential oil any rapidly evaporating oil that gives a characteristic odor or flavor to a plant, flower, or fruit, used in making perfumes, flavorings, and the like.
eucalyptus oil an essential oil obtained from eucalyptus leaves, used as an expectorant and antiseptic.
fixed oil a nonvolatile oil obtained from animal or vegetable sources, such as lard or olive oil.
fuel oil any oil used for fuel, esp. a liquid petroleum product.
fusel oil a colorless poisonous liquid made of amyl alcohols, used as a solvent for fats, oils, and waxes, and in the manufacture of explosives.
linseed oil a yellowish oil extracted from flaxseed, used in making oil paints, ink, linoleum, and the like.
mineral oil an oil derived from petroleum, used in cosmetics and as a laxative. [2 definitions]
neat's-foot oil a fatty oil obtained by boiling cattle bones and used as a dressing for leather.
oil cake a compressed cake of ground linseed, cottonseed, soybean, or the like, from which the oil has been extracted, used as feed or fertilizer.
oil color a paint made of pigment ground in oil, usu. linseed; oil paint.
oil field an area having large deposits of oil, esp. one with many wells.
oil of vitriol see "sulfuric acid."