Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ambiguous having more than one possible meaning.
animate to bring to life.
associate to connect with something else in one's mind.
circumference the line that forms the outside edge of a circle or other round figure or area.
compensation something given in return for or to make up for something else.
dauntless incapable of being discouraged or frightened off; fearless.
ecology the scientific study of the relationships between living things and their environments.
ecstasy a feeling of great pleasure or joy.
enroll to enlist or sign up officially.
fanciful exhibiting use of the imagination; whimsical or imaginative.
increasingly more and more; to a greater and greater degree.
investigative of or relating to a comprehensive process of searching for, uncovering, and examining information.
optimism the belief that things will turn out well or that there is always hope for something good to happen.
opus a work of fine or literary art, especially a musical composition numbered to indicate its chronological place in the composer's works.
tart1 sour or acid in taste; sharp; biting.