Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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anonymous having an unknown name or identity.
compassion a feeling of sharing another's suffering that leads to a desire to help.
demoralize to weaken or destroy the confidence, courage, spirit, or morale of.
frugal small in amount or cost; meager.
mores the behaviors and manners accepted and expected in a social group, embodying its fundamental moral standards.
nonentity someone or something that is insignificant, dull, undistinguished, or unimportant, especially a person.
postulate to assert as something true, especially as a basis for reasoning.
relinquish to surrender, release, or let go of; give up.
splice to join (two pieces of film, tape, or similar things) at the ends.
stigma a long-lasting mark or stain on one's character or reputation, especially of disgrace or reproach.
stolid neither feeling nor showing much range of emotion; impassive.
sully to make dirty or tarnished.
temperamental changeable as to mood, nature, operability, or the like; unpredictable.
tumultuous full of noise, commotion, or disorder; riotous.
venal capable of acting dishonestly or wrongly in return for money or the like; open to accepting bribes; corrupt.