Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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annoy to bother or disturb with irritating behavior.
avoid to keep away from.
browse to examine things in a slow and casual way.
confuse to fail to see the difference between or among.
destruction the act of ruining completely or destroying.
educator a person who teaches.
everyday happening daily; routine.
federal having to do with a system of government that unites several states under a central government. The states have their own governments, yet they recognize the rule of the central government as well.
fortunately by lucky chance; luckily.
lawyer one whose job is to help people with legal matters and represent them in court; attorney.
meddle to take part in matters that concern someone else, without being asked; interfere.
mongrel a plant or animal that is a mix of two or more breeds or kinds.
slouch to sit, stand, or move with a bent, careless posture.
therapist one who specializes in treating people with psychological, emotional, or social problems.
vast very large in size or area.