Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alibi a way of defending oneself against criminal charges by showing that one was not at the scene of the crime when it happened.
cancellation the act of omission, deletion, or invalidation.
desolate without the things that are necessary or desirable for life.
encompass to surround or enclose.
harass to trouble or bother again and again.
impact the force of two objects hitting or crashing into each other.
inflate to make larger or expand.
instance a case, example or occasion.
integration the process of bringing all parts together into a whole.
memorable easily remembered; distinct or exceptional.
premiere a first public performance or showing, as of a film or stage production.
projection a guess of a future situation based on looking at the present situation.
subordinate lower in rank or importance; secondary.
successive following one after another.
tempt to try to get (someone) to do something wrong or not wise by offering or seeming to offer something very desirable.