Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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beckon to signal to come using a motion of the head or hands.
bluster to blow in a strong and noisy way.
caper to leap, hop, or skip about in a playful way; frolic.
compose to be the parts of; make up.
crook something bent, curved, or hooked.
definition the statement of the meaning of a word or phrase.
dishonor loss of honor or reputation.
efficient operating or working in a way that gets results, with little wasted effort.
estimate a careful guess as to the amount, size, or value of something.
final happening at or being the end of something; last.
flutter to wave rapidly back and forth or up and down.
imaginative having or showing an ability to conceive of things that do not exist; creative.
organization the quality of being carefully arranged or ordered.
patriotic feeling or showing love for and loyalty to one's country.
truly sincerely; honestly.