Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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approximation an estimate; guess.
autonomous free and independent, as a state or an organism; self-governing.
colleague a person who has the same job or employer as another.
confidential secret.
delegation a group of people chosen to speak or act for others.
harmonic in music, related to chords, or different notes played simultaneously.
impress to make a strong impact on (someone), especially a positive impact.
internal located on the inside; inner.
objective a goal or purpose that a person works to achieve; aim.
prohibition the act of forbidding.
prosecute to begin or carry on a court action against in order to enforce the law.
qualitative of or concerning the nature or attributes of something, as opposed to its amount. (Cf. quantitative.)
rejoice to be full of joy or show great pleasure (sometimes followed by "in").
setback something that happens that slows, stops, or reverses progress that is being made.
strew to scatter or sprinkle.