Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cabinet a piece of furniture with shelves, compartments, or drawers and usually covered by a door or doors. Cabinets are used to store or hold objects.
compare to note or describe the similarities or differences of.
cooperate to work with others.
correctly in the right or proper way; without error.
device an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks or something else made for a specific purpose.
evaluation a careful study of something in order to judge it or measure it.
excellence the condition of being very good or outstanding.
manner a way of doing something; style.
motherhood the state of being a female parent.
sensitive able to smell, hear, taste, feel, or see very well.
theme the main subject or topic.
unfortunately used to express that an event being talked about is something unlucky or something that turned out badly.
vacant without activity or contents; empty.
wander to move about with no purpose, aim, or plan; roam.
whole having the entire amount or length.