Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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banish to cast out of a country by official action.
ceremony a formal act or series of acts done in a particular way to honor a special occasion.
deny to say that something is not true; refuse to agree with.
elder born earlier; older.
episode one event in a series of events in a person's life or a story.
equation a statement in arithmetic that uses an equal sign to show the equality of two quantities.
friendship the relationship of people of who know and like each other.
hardy able to stand hardship; tough; brave.
history everything that has happened in the past to people or things, or a telling of these events.
limp1 to walk in an uneven, difficult way because of a lame or injured leg or foot.
mongrel a plant or animal that is a mix of two or more breeds or kinds.
popularity the condition of being liked or approved of by many people.
prescription an order written by a doctor for medicine to treat a patient.
roost a perch on which birds rest or sleep, or a place containing such perches.
structural of or pertaining to construction, to things that are constructed, or to the basic parts that are assembled.