Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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check to look at something in order to make sure that it is right or correct.
cute attractive or pleasing.
doorway the way of entrance into a room or building.
escape to get free from something; to get away.
faucet a device for turning on and off the flow of liquid from a pipe or container.
hire to give a job to.
housekeeper a person whose job is to take care of a house, hotel, or other place where people stay.
ink a colored liquid in pens.
line1 a long, thin mark.
motion the act of moving or changing places.
remember to bring into your mind from your memory.
topic a subject of discussion, conversation, or writing.
tray a flat, open piece of wood, metal, plastic, or some other material, used to carry, hold, or show food, drink, or small things. It often has a low edge.
uniform a special suit of clothing worn by all members of a particular group.
voter one who helps decide something in an election by expressing his or her choice.