Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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asinine silly or willfully stupid.
autopsy a medical examination of a dead body to find the cause of death.
catechism a summary of the principles of a religion, especially Christianity, in the form of questions and answers.
euphony a pleasing, harmonious quality of sounds, especially words.
figurative not meant to be interpreted in a literal way; metaphorical.
forthcoming about to appear or happen.
grandiloquent speaking or expressed in a pretentious, pompous, or excessively ornate fashion.
hedonist one who believes that pleasure-seeking should be the primary goal of humans.
inordinate beyond the bounds of reason; excessive.
jubilation a feeling of great joy, pride, and happiness; exultation.
officiate to function as a priest or minister in a religious ceremony.
pallid pale or whitened; lacking color.
predilection an inclination to favor something; partiality or preference.
prepossess to inspire or impress favorably beforehand.
undaunted not discouraged; not giving up even though something is difficult or frightening.