Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adept having great skill or ability.
affirmation the act of affirming.
circumstantial relevant but not essential; incidental.
cosmopolitan of, drawn from, or common to all the world or all the peoples of the world.
fleck a small patch of light or color.
gratuitous given or done without sufficient reason or justification; unwarranted.
irrefutable impossible to disprove; indisputable.
lethargy a state of having very low energy with drowsiness and apathy; lassitude.
momentous very important.
promenade a leisurely walk, especially in a public place.
sagacity the quality of having keen judgment and common sense; wisdom.
spat1 a short, slight quarrel.
subside to become less; decrease.
visage the face of a person, statue, or the like, especially in regard to its appearance or expression.
wheedle to try to persuade or influence by coaxing or flattery; cajole.