Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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brusque impolitely abrupt in speech or actions; curt.
cordon a chain of guards or military stations forming a defense or containment line around an area.
cumulative becoming larger or greater by means of gradual addition.
gauche deficient in manners or other conventions of social behavior; boorish; crude.
indiscriminate lacking in judgment and discernment; making no distinctions.
nonchalant not showing excitement or anxiety; coolly confident, unflustered, or unworried;casually indifferent.
pillage to openly and forcefully seize goods from, as during a war; plunder.
provident showing wisdom and foresight in planning for the future.
regent one who governs in place of a disabled or underage ruler.
ruminate to think at length; meditate.
scathing harshly condemning; brutal.
sedulous steady and persistent in an action or duty; diligent.
slake to satisfy or relieve (thirst, appetite, lust, or the like) by decreasing the strength or intensity of.
tenuous having little substance, support, or significance; flimsy; weak.