Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blush to become red in the face because of shame or embarrassment.
builder a person who puts things together to make something, especially houses or other structures that people live or work in.
chart a sheet that gives information in the form of a table or graph.
crazy not reasonable or practical; silly; foolish.
deal to handle or give your attention to.
full holding as much as possible.
happen to take place; occur.
hillside the side of a hill.
misery a condition in which one is very unhappy or suffers very much.
prize a reward given to the person who wins something.
scold to tell someone that they have done something wrong, usually in an angry way.
shelf a thin, flat piece of wood, metal, or other material that is attached to a wall or set into a piece of furniture. Shelves are used to hold books, dishes, and other things.
step each single movement of your foot as you walk.
trunk the main stem of a tree.
unfair against what is right or just.