Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bawl to cry loudly or strongly; wail.
county one of several sections into which a U.S. state is divided.
etiquette rules for good behavior and manners.
genial cheerful and friendly.
intense having a very great degree of something, such as heat, or being in a very great degree or state.
peasant a member of the class of farm workers and small farmers in Europe and Asia.
period a section of time with a set beginning and end.
pronounce to make the sound of or express with the voice in a specific way.
respond to answer or give a reply, in words or otherwise.
retreat the act of moving back or away from a place or situation.
scarcely almost not; just barely.
tourist a person who is travelling for pleasure.
veil a thin piece of fabric or net worn over the face, head, or shoulders, or over some combination of these. A veil is used as a decoration or to hide a person's face.
vein a small vessel that carries blood toward the heart.
wedge a piece of wood or metal shaped like a triangle with a thin edge. A wedge is driven or forced between objects to split, lift, or make them stronger.