Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accountability the state or quality of being responsible for providing an explanation or justification.
crossbreed to cause (a hybrid organism) to be produced by mating two different varieties of the same species.
differentiate to distinguish between or among.
discontinuance the act of stopping or condition of being stopped; interruption.
dishevel to make (hair or clothing) untidy.
irascible easily angered or irritated; short-tempered.
mystical spiritually powerful, significant, or symbolic.
perseverance steadfast continuance in a course of action, task, or belief.
presumptive affording a reasonable basis for belief.
profiteer a person who gains excessive profits, especially by selling scarce commodities at very high prices.
sheaf a bound bundle of cut grain.
solicitous anxiously or tenderly concerned or attentive (usually followed by about, of, or for.)
subvert to overthrow or destroy, or cause the destruction of (an established authority, especially a national government).
vestige a visible trace or sign of something no longer present or existing.
vouch to promise to be true, real, or correct (usually followed by "for").