Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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actively in a way that involves making an effort, taking action, or participating.
beast any animal other than a human, especially a mammal with four legs.
blend a combination of things that have been very well mixed together.
bonus a payment added to a person's regular pay as a reward for hard work.
brace to support, hold steady, or prop up.
budge to change or begin to change position slightly.
capability the quality of being skilled or able; ability.
confirm to prove or show to be true.
craft a trade or occupation that requires skill with the hands.
frustrate to prevent from happening or being done.
slight small in amount or degree.
transformation a major change in the form, shape, character, or nature of something or someone.
tuft a group or clump of long strands that are attached at one end and loose at the other. Yarn, hair, and grass are some strands that can form tufts.
twinge a sudden, sharp pain that does not last long.
vow to promise or pledge in a serious way.