Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affluent having a lot of money; rich; wealthy.
avid having or showing great enthusiasm.
belligerent having a fighting character; aggressive.
composite made up of several parts.
inordinate beyond the bounds of reason; excessive.
interrelate to place in or come into a shared, mutual, or reciprocal relationship.
Lilliputian (often lower case) very tiny; extremely small.
machination (usually plural) elaborate or devious schemes.
nondescript having no individual distinctiveness; lacking in notable features.
reproach to express disapproval of or disappointment with (someone); censure.
shackle a metal band or one of a pair of metal rings used to bind the wrist or ankle of a prisoner or animal.
singe to burn slightly on the surface, end, or edge.
stupor a state of unconsciousness, insensibility, or torpor.
transcendental beyond the limits of ordinary experience, thought, or belief; supernatural, visionary, or mystical.
transmute to change into another form, substance, state, or the like.