Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accidental happening by chance; not planned or expected.
approval good opinion; favorable thoughts.
bulge a rounded or swollen part caused by pressure from below or within.
caper to leap, hop, or skip about in a playful way; frolic.
coupon a small, printed slip of paper that gives someone a discount, admission to a performance, or a chance to win a prize.
method a way of doing something.
nasal of the nose.
publisher a person or company that prepares and brings out books for sale.
requirement something that is needed or necessary.
scan to read or look over quickly.
temple1 a building or place where a god or gods are worshiped.
threat a statement that harm or punishment will follow.
tumor a mass of extra tissue that grows in or on the body. Some tumors are harmful.
unfold to open or spread out from a folded condition.
whimper to cry in weak, broken sounds.