Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adore to love and admire very strongly.
deem to consider, suppose, or judge.
familiar known by many people; easily recognized.
future time that is yet to come.
glossary a list of unusual or difficult words and their meanings connected with a particular subject or particular piece of writing. A glossary is often placed at the end of a book.
gush to flood out in large amounts and with great force; spurt.
historic important in history.
merriment lighthearted and happy enjoyment, especially in the company of others; gaiety; mirth.
pasture a piece of land on which animals are put to graze.
possessor one who has or owns something.
quality a feature that makes a person or thing what it is.
reverse to turn in an opposite position or direction.
sense to be or become aware of; perceive.
smudge a dirty mark or blot; stain.
transfer the act of moving something from one person or place to another.