Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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creditor someone to whom money is owed.
disarray confusion or disorder.
gibberish written or spoken words that are unintelligible, needlessly obscure, or without coherent meaning.
interminable endless or seemingly endless; monotonously long.
intermittent alternately stopping and starting with pauses in between.
interpose to insert (a comment, question, criticism, or the like) in the course of a conversation or speech.
leaven to produce fermentation in (dough or batter), consequently causing the dough or batter to rise in the process of baking.
lewd characterized by vulgarity or offensively explicit sexual references; bawdy.
mediation the act or process of mediating between two disputing or disagreeing parties to bring about a resolution; arbitration.
mellifluous flowing and sweet, as though with honey.
misguide to misdirect or lead astray.
onslaught a forceful, often sudden, offensive maneuver; attack.
partake to take part; participate (usually followed by "in").
vagrant one who lacks a permanent home and wanders from place to place; nomad; tramp.
winnow to sift through, or separate out the desired or worthwhile from the undesired or worthless part of, as by critical analysis.