Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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advocacy the giving of support to an idea, person, or cause.
balk to stop suddenly and refuse to go on.
compute to figure out or calculate by using arithmetic.
convict to find guilty of a crime.
courteous being polite or showing good manners.
delegation a group of people chosen to speak or act for others.
infinite having no limits or end; without measure.
kernel the most basic part of something; the heart of the matter; core.
laden filled with a great weight.
limitation that which confines or restricts.
onset the early stage; beginning.
philosophical of or pertaining to the nature and principles of knowledge, truth, existence, and moral and aesthetic values.
random made or done without purpose or pattern; made or done by chance.
rational based on sound reasoning; sensible.
reflex having to do with a response or reaction that is automatic and not controlled by conscious thought.