Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bravery the quality or condition of not feeling fear; courage.
choice the act or an instance of selecting or picking.
cultivation the act of preparing and improving.
exception the act or fact of leaving out.
fertile producing or able to produce farm crops or other plant life.
fortunately by lucky chance; luckily.
herb a plant that is used for healing the body or to give a pleasant smell or taste to something.
illusion a fantasy or mistaken idea.
magnetic having to do with magnets and the way they work.
modern having to do with the present or current times.
nectar the sweet liquid a plant makes that attracts insects and birds.
site the location or proposed location of a town, city, building, or event.
structure a thing made up of a number of parts joined together in a certain way.
sulk to express anger or bad humor by being silent or distant.
trial the act of hearing a case in court to decide whether or not a person has broken a particular law.