Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adore to love and admire very strongly.
altitude the height of a thing above earth or above sea level.
appeal a serious and sincere request for help.
deepen to make or become deep or deeper.
froth any collection of bubbles formed on a liquid.
mechanic a worker who is skilled in making, using, and repairing tools, machines, and motors.
neutral not taking any side in an argument or contest.
organic produced or producing naturally, without using pesticides or other added chemicals.
pantry a small room near a kitchen, for keeping food, dishes, and other supplies.
repair to put in good condition again after damage has been done; fix.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food.
scowl to make an angry frown.
siphon a tube or pipe used to suck a liquid over the top of its container and into a lower one by means of air pressure.
wit (often plural) the ability to understand, think, or know.
workshop a room or building in which a particular kind of work is done, usually involving manual or mechanical skills.