Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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charitable generous in donations or benevolent actions for needy persons.
explicit said or written in a clear and direct way.
ghetto a part of a town or city in which people of a particular race or religion are forced by law to live.
impair to lessen the strength or ability of; damage.
infiltrate to enter into in secret.
obstacle something that stops forward movement or progress.
premature done, happening, or born before the expected time; too soon.
segregation the practice of separating people according to groups, especially racial groups.
sermon a talk given during a religious service.
summon to call to appear for a particular purpose.
tangible capable of being touched or perceived by touch.
taper to narrow.
technique the particular method or way of doing or performing something.
transit the act of passing over, across, or through; passage.
vex to annoy or irritate.