Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amplitude the state or quality of being ample; largeness.
bereavement the condition or fact of being deprived of something or someone, especially by the death of a loved one.
contraband goods banned by law from being imported or exported.
estrange to cause (someone) to change from friendly and sympathetic to hostile or indifferent; alienate.
genteel displaying traits such as refinement and politeness that are traditionally associated with wealth and education.
irreverent not having or showing respect.
meander to wind back and forth.
perceptual of, relating to, or involving perception.
prepossess to inspire or impress favorably beforehand.
promulgate to explain or give instruction in (a doctrine) in public; advocate.
prosaic straightforward and plain; unimaginative; dull.
quandary a situation of uncertainty, puzzlement, or hesitation; dilemma.
rudiment (often plural) something in an initial, imperfect, or undeveloped form.
stratify to assign categories or create divisions within (a society) according to a hierarchy of social or economic classes.
unqualified lacking the appropriate knowledge or qualifications.