Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bold having courage; having little or no fear.
chimney a tall, hollow structure that carries smoke up through a building and to the outside.
crowd a large number of people gathered together.
goal a result or end that a person wants and works for; aim or purpose.
locker a small metal cabinet that can be locked. It is used to keep clothes and personal things.
mineral a pure, hard substance in the earth that does not come from an animal or a plant.
owe to have to pay; be in debt to someone.
past all of the time before now.
plow a heavy farm tool pulled by a tractor or animal, used to open the ground for planting.
pupil1 a young person who is taught by a teacher.
seed the small part of a plant with flowers that grows into a new plant.
subway a train in a city that carries passengers and travels under the ground.
sudden happening without notice or warning; not expected.
until up to the time when.
wear to have or carry on your body.