Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adopt to become a parent of (a child) by law, or to accept an animal as a pet and become responsible for it.
complication something that makes a situation more difficult or involved.
drift the act of being carried away by some force such as the wind or flowing water.
flit to fly or move in a quick or light way.
freight goods shipped by boat, plane, train, or truck.
gloom lack of light; darkness.
grocery a store where food and other household supplies are sold; grocery store.
journal a record of a person's experiences, thoughts, or daily events; diary.
lengthen to make or become longer.
perch1 to rest or come to rest on a branch or bar.
professor a teacher with a high rank at a college or university.
role the character played by an actor.
shriek a loud shrill cry of fear, joy, or surprise.
signal a movement, action, or device used to communicate instructions, warning, or other information.
treaty a formal agreement between two or more countries.