Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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admonish to warn or caution.
amass to gather or accumulate for oneself.
apostate a person who abandons his or her religious faith, principles, cause, or the like.
cabal a small group of people engaged in a secret plot, usually of a political nature.
cater to supply food or other service.
derogatory having the purpose or effect of detracting; disparaging.
discordant in conflict or disagreement.
exhilaration intense high spirits.
flaccid without firmness; soft; flabby.
fodder feed for farm animals, such as stalks of corn cut and mixed with hay.
mores the behaviors and manners accepted and expected in a social group, embodying its fundamental moral standards.
oblivion the state or condition of being entirely forgotten.
paean a song or hymn sung as an expression of praise.
partisan devoted to or favoring a particular cause, group, political party, or the like.
zealous characterized by, showing, or filled with an intense enthusiasm, as toward a cause, purpose, or activity.