Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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barely almost not at all.
church a building used for some public religious services.
cushion a pillow or pad that one sits on or leans on for comfort. Some cushions are used for decoration.
honestly in an honest way.
mission a special job given to a person or group of people.
provide to give (what is needed); supply.
reservation something that keeps one from completely accepting or believing something; doubt.
scarce not being enough; not easy to get.
scene the place where any event takes place.
song a short piece of music for singing.
splendid beautiful or grand; making a strong impression.
stain a spot or colored mark.
stripe a line of color that is different in color from the area around it.
team a group formed to play or work together.
winner one that wins or is likely to win or succeed.