Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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dine to eat a meal, usually in a formal way.
essay a short piece of writing on a particular subject that contains the ideas and opinions of the author.
handsome having an attractive, healthy appearance.
hill a raised area of land smaller than a mountain.
leaf a flat part of a plant or tree that grows from the stem or branch. A leaf is usually green.
once at one time in the past.
powerful having great physical strength.
print to put words and pictures onto a surface using a machine.
puzzle a toy or problem that you solve by thinking or by arranging letters, words, numbers, or objects.
reservation something that keeps one from completely accepting or believing something; doubt.
rocket a device shaped like a tube that moves at high speed and is powered by gases that are forced out of one end. Rockets are used to send things into the air.
shady in the shade.
shirt a piece of clothing for the upper part of the body.
string a thin rope.
sturdy strong or solid; hard to break.