Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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arrest to slow down; block; stop.
bottle a container with a narrow neck used to hold or pour liquids. A bottle is usually made of glass or plastic.
chief the most powerful or important person in a group; leader.
child a young human.
choose to pick one or more things or people from a group.
chop to cut with a sharp tool such as an ax.
clue something that helps to solve a problem or mystery.
complete having all of the parts that are necessary; whole.
crawl to move along the ground on the hands and knees.
duty something that a person should do because it is right or fair.
fond having or showing feelings of love.
happen to take place; occur.
mad angry.
math a short form of a word that means the study of numbers.
uncle the brother of one's father or mother, or the husband of one's aunt.